Βοηθήστε να
συνεχίσουμε την
εφημερίδα με χορηγίες
και διαφημίσεις

Βοηθήστε να
συνεχίσουμε την
εφημερίδα με χορηγίες
και διαφημίσεις


Βοηθήστε να
συνεχίσουμε την
εφημερίδα με χορηγίες
και διαφημίσεις

Βοηθήστε να
συνεχίσουμε την
εφημερίδα με χορηγίες
και διαφημίσεις

November 29, 2023

Girls Sold to Arabs

By Nehir Kartal
Throughout the centuries, girls in many nations have experienced discrimination because of their gender. They have been treated as second-class citizens in their own homelands, denied of their own rights and taken advantage of and exploited continuously. Their power and abilities have been oppressed to the point they became fully dependent on men. Turkish Cypriots are no exception to this case. Against their own will, they were forced to get married and immediately sent away from their homes. But opposedly, their stories have not been talked about in any aspect of history; as if women were invisible back then. In this writing, I want to shed more light on these Cypriot girls’ lives and bring the awareness that the past is not only History but also Herstory as well.
April 26, 2023

«Όταν η Ελένη συνάντησε την Αντιγόνη…» Το δικαίωμα της ευτυχίας…

Κατά τη διάρκεια της εκδήλωσης για το κόψιμο της βασιλόπιττας ο Γραμματέας της AIPFE Χρίστος Λαζανιάς μίλησε για δυο γνωστές κυρίες της αρχαιότητας. Την Ελένη και την Αντιγόνη με το δικό του τρόπο. Σας παρουσιάζουμε την ομιλία του.
November 29, 2023

Girls Sold to Arabs

By Nehir Kartal
Throughout the centuries, girls in many nations have experienced discrimination because of their gender. They have been treated as second-class citizens in their own homelands, denied of their own rights and taken advantage of and exploited continuously. Their power and abilities have been oppressed to the point they became fully dependent on men. Turkish Cypriots are no exception to this case. Against their own will, they were forced to get married and immediately sent away from their homes. But opposedly, their stories have not been talked about in any aspect of history; as if women were invisible back then. In this writing, I want to shed more light on these Cypriot girls’ lives and bring the awareness that the past is not only History but also Herstory as well.
April 26, 2023

«Όταν η Ελένη συνάντησε την Αντιγόνη…» Το δικαίωμα της ευτυχίας…

Κατά τη διάρκεια της εκδήλωσης για το κόψιμο της βασιλόπιττας ο Γραμματέας της AIPFE Χρίστος Λαζανιάς μίλησε για δυο γνωστές κυρίες της αρχαιότητας. Την Ελένη και την Αντιγόνη με το δικό του τρόπο. Σας παρουσιάζουμε την ομιλία του.