Research Foundation FIMONOI
Postal 25307, Nicosia 1308 | Phone.: 00357 99671214, 00357 22774157
Fimonoi Foundation
Fimonoi Foundation is a non-party, non-governemental and not for profit research foundation, founded in 2005. The Foundation is a member of the National Mechanism for Equal Rights of Women and it works closely with the Ministries, the Cyprus Youth Organisation and other non-governmental organisations. It is also invited to participate in meetings, held by parliamentary Committees when they discuss laws and legislations, relevant to social and political issues. The foundation has no funds of its own and its activities depend on sponsorships from the private and public sector.
Our vision
The vision of FIMONOI is to contribute in creating a society free of violence and corruption. A society where equality, justice, mutual respect and peace, prevale.
Our aims
The aims of the foundation are political, scientific, social, cultural and educational and they cover an extensive area of topics, including research, seminars for discussing the findings of research, preparation of documents with specific reforms on laws and institutions, including lobbying, in order to bring changes which will strengthen democracy, reform the institutions, combat corruption, offer solutions to social problems and push for reforms on the educational system.
During the last 15 years the foundation FIMONOI has been very active. Apart from research, it organised non-party political, educational and cultural campaigns and events. It also participated in european programmes that aimed to educate, train, support and help the citizens in a number of fields.
Its activities are currently concentrated on preventive measures for violence in the family, elimination of corruption, reform of the educational system, promotion of a gender budget and implementation of the laws relevant to corruption, transparency and whistleblowing. In January 2022, it started publishing a women’s newspaper, (η αποψη μας - Our Opinion)in order to bring women of all the communities of Cyprus, closer together and also to try to change the way news are presented, by encouraging a positive approach to the presentation of news
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